Audition Information

We are so excited for our show and hope you are looking forward to joining us for another amazing production. We welcome all 2nd-6th grade boys and girls to come audition.  Due to the number of parts available, we will have limited spots open for auditions.


Audition Sign-up: You must register on this website to audition. Registration will begin on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 8:00 PM. Spots are LIMITED, which means you should register early! If you do not get an audition spot, please check back to see if we open a waitlist.

Audition Date: Friday, February 23, 2018. THIS WILL BE THE ONLY AUDITION OPPORTUNITY FOR THIS SHOW. If you don't register you will not be allowed to audition.You will receive an email with a time for your audition. You must confirm your audition time or your spot will be given to someone on the waitlist. Emails with audition time will be sent after the registration window closes. If you do not receive an email by Feb. 19 - please let us know at

Time: 1:45-6:00 p.m. You MUST register to receive an audition time. You will be assigned a one hour block for your audition. Please arrive early to receive your number and turn in your audition form. You MUST attend and complete the entire audition process (dancing and singing) to be considered for casting. If you leave early - you will not be cast in the show. Please check with your child to make sure they completed the entire process before they leave. 

Call-Backs: Friday, Feb 23 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. These will be by invitation only. You will be asked to return via text message - please make sure you have provided the correct number and be sure to respond so we know you are coming. Not everyone will be asked for call-back - this doesn't mean you did not make the play, it just means we do not need to see you again. 

Cast List: Final cast list will be posted here Saturday, February 24, 2018 by 12:00 p.m. 


If you would like to be considered for a principle character, please sing a song from the show. Click here for link to songs. Please understand that this does not guarantee you will be cast in the role for which you auditioned, but does give us an idea of how you would play the character if you were to be selected.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star or Happy Birthday can be sung as an alternative if you are auditioning for an ensemble part. 

Please prepare one line from the script selections provided below. Acting and memorization is highly encouraged, but you may read the lines during auditions if needed. 

You will be taught a short combination of movements which you will then perform in a group. Again, acting and smiling are very important here.

We ask for professionalism and good attitudes. You MUST stay for the entire hour that you are assigned. Once you have completed your singing, acting/reading, and dancing auditions, you may go. Please make arrangements to be available during the Call-Back hour in the event you are asked to return. If you are not called back, it does not mean you are not cast in the show, it simply means we do not need to see more of you at that time. Be sure to check back here for final cast list.


Students should pick ONE of the following lines to deliver at their audition (preferably one from the character they are auditioning for.) Some characters have more than one option, in this case - just choose ONE! We would love it if you could memorize your line, but paper copies will be available during your audition.  

First Mate (boy or girl): 

"All Hands on deck! Places rapscallions, places! Aargh!!"

Captain Bones (boy): 

"Jack and Annie, arggh! This gold medallion proves ye found the buried treasure of Captain Kidd, so tell old Bones where ye be hiding it, or prepare to meet thy doom!"

"Hang it! Take 'em back to the ship! Methinks a few days down in the hold with the rats and the spiders and nothing to eat but moldy biscuits, and these two trickster thieves will be willing to talk! Into the rowboats, dogs!"

"Take 'em below! And neither gruel nor grog til the little mice decide to squeal!"

Named Pirates Pinky, Stinky, Blinky, Slinky, Nathaniel, Wilhemenia, Peter (boys and girls):

"Here we go again. Aye. Again. Treasure."

"Looks like a couple of shipwrecked orphans built themselves a house in the trees! Ain't that sweet."

Annie (girl): 

"The mysterious "M" person has been here. I can just feel it. Plus, I don't remember that book being open when we were here last time." 

"You know, somebody should tell Cap'n Bones that there are more important things in the world than gold." 

Jonah (boy):

"Some of us do try to tell him. But, seems ever since his parrot left him, Cap'n has been trying to fill his empty heart by stuffing his pockets full of gold."

Jack (boy): 

"That's nice, but aren't you wondering why "M" would send us to the beach? There must be a reason why it's this particular beach...Oh, man."

"A skull and crossbones. Oh, man, we should've checked the book."

"No, we can't just tell him, he might just throw us overboard and go back to the island by himself. We have to SHOW him. That way he has to take us back to the island."

Teeki (girl) or island creatures: 

"Look! Everyone!" Another beautiful day in Paradise!"

Pedro (boy) or island creatures: 

"That's not a nest. I believe that would be called a tree house. Way too big for a nest."

Morgan/Polly (girl):

"Ah Yes, my gold medallion. I must have left it in the time of dinosaurs. Thank you for bringing it back."

"I am a librarian. But I travel in this tree house collecting books and stories from many times and places. And it seems I found the perfect helpers."

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